Ordered and ensuring that each of these principles are aligned with your teams’ objectives, the specificity of football and the game model.

1. Principle of Specific Speciality

Sub-principle of Adaptation to the Tactical Role: Adjust the preparation according to the specific role of the player in the game system (goalkeeper, defender, midfield, forward).

Sub-principle of Unified Tactical Language: Ensure that the entire team uses the same vocabulary to facilitate communication.

Sub-principle of Specific Speciality of the Technical Staff: Each member of the technical staff must fulfill their main objective (physical preparation, tactical analysis, etc.). When using the ball, they must prioritize the specificity of football and align with the head coach’s game model.

2. Principle of Gamification

Sub-principle of Ludic Competition: Introduce competition dynamics in training to increase motivation.

Progressive Rewards Subprinciple: Use rewards to encourage learning and progression, improving player participation and effort.

3. Principle of Creating Automated Processes (F.P.M)

Offensive Automation Subprinciple: Establish automated patterns for attacking plays.

Adaptive Defensive Automation Subprinciple: Implement defensive patterns that adapt to the opponent’s actions without losing structure.

4. Principle of Specific Rehabilitation of the Soccer Player

Functional Rehabilitation Subprinciple: Rehabilitation adapted to the physical demands of the player’s role.

Progressive Reinsertion to the Game Subprinciple: Ensure the progression of an injured player until his return to the team with exercises of gradual intensity.

5. Principle of Progressive and Empathetic Synchronicity of the Game Model

Subprinciple of Alignment of the Game Rhythm: Adjust the collective rhythm according to the different phases of the game.

Subprinciple of Positional Empathy: Ensure that each player understands and empathizes with the roles of their teammates to improve cohesion.

6. Principle of Specific Fragmentation of Modern Training

Subprinciple of Fragmented Training by Phases: Design exercises for each phase of the game (offense, defense and transition).

Subprinciple of Line Segmentation: Fragment the training sessions to work on specific areas (defense, midfield, forward).

7. Principle of Collective Individualization

Subprinciple of Personalization of Tactical Objectives: Create individual objectives for each player that benefit the collective.

Subprinciple of Integration of Individual Progress: The individual development of each player must contribute to collective success.

8. Principle of Specific and Individualized Inclusion of Modern Training

Subprinciple of Integration of Technology in Training: Use of wearables and augmented reality for specific training.

Subprinciple of Individualized Feedback Analysis: Offer each player a detailed analysis of their training and matches.

9. Principle of Comprehensive and Personalized Technological Update

Subprinciple of Integration of Analysis Tools: Use of software to analyze tactical data and performance.

Subprinciple of Continuous Evaluation of Technological Innovations: Evaluate and test new technologies to stay up to date.

10. Principle of Complex-Dynamic Adaptability

Subprinciple of Response to Tactical Changes: Adaptation to strategic changes of the opponent during the game.

Subprinciple of Real-Time Strategy Adjustment: Ability of the coach to make strategic adjustments during the game.

11. Principle of Effective Optimization of the Game Model

Subprinciple of Continuous Review of the Game Model: Evaluate the effectiveness of the model regularly.

Subprinciple of Adjustment Based on the Opponent: Adapt the game model according to the analysis of the opponent.

12. Principle of Specific Applied Neuroscience

Subprinciple of Mirror Neuron Stimulation: Improve tactical understanding through observation.

Subprinciple of Neuronal Plasticity: Promote the creation of new neural connections with specific exercises.

13. Principle of Continuity and Progression of Fragmented Training

Sub-principle of Continuity between Sessions: Link each session to the previous one to ensure a logical progression.

Sub-principle of Progressive Increase in Difficulty: Gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises.

14. Principle of Psychological Resilience

Sub-principle of Mental Strengthening Under Pressure: Train high-pressure situations to improve psychological response.

Sub-principle of Visualization of Successful Scenarios: Use visualization to mentally prepare players.

15. Principle of Dynamic Simulation of Modern Game Patterns

Sub-principle of Simulation of Critical Scenarios: Recreate high-pressure match situations.

Sub-principle of Staff Participation in Simulation: Involve staff in simulation for tactical coherence.

16. Principle of Sustainability and Sports Ethics

Subprinciple of Fair Play Education: Promote a culture of respect and fair play.

Subprinciple of Resource Optimization: Use human and material resources efficiently.

17. Principle of Sensory and Perceptual Integration (ISP)

Subprinciple of Environmental Perception: Improve the player’s ability to perceive his environment.

Subprinciple of Visomotor Synchronization: Exercises that integrate visual and motor coordination.

18. Principle of Technological Biofeedback and Emotional Regulation (BTR)

Subprinciple of Using Technology for Emotional Monitoring: Measure the player’s emotional state during training.

Subprinciple of Regulation Through Relaxation Techniques: Breathing techniques to stay calm during the game.

19. Sustainable Individualization of Training (SIT) Principle

Workload Management Sub-Principle: Control the individual workload of each player to avoid injuries.

Maintenance of Physical Condition Sub-Principle: Keep non-starting players in their best condition.

20. Principle of Specific Synergy of the Technical Staff

Subprinciple of Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the role of each member of the staff.

Subprinciple of Fluid Communication: Maintain effective communication between technical and medical departments.

21. Principle of Gamified Pre-Match Warm-Up with Technological Panels

Subprinciple of Active Warm-Up: Incorporate interactive panels that simulate real game situations.

Subprinciple of Gamification of Warm-Up: Integrate playful elements to keep players motivated before the match.

22. Principle of Systemic and Progressive Improvement through Exercise Programming (MIC)

Subprinciple of Continuous Exercise Evaluation: Analyze each exercise and its contribution to the team’s objectives.

Subprinciple of Programmed Progression: Ensure that exercises systematically progress in complexity and load.

23. Principle of Dynamic-Specific and Progressive Precision of Gamified Training

Subprinciple of Precision in Technical Movements: Focus exercises on improving precision under dynamic conditions.

Subprinciple of Progressive Gamification: Introduce difficulty levels gradually within gamified exercises.

24. Principle of Synchronization of Defensive and Offensive Roles

• Subprinciple of Line Coordination: Ensure synchronization between the defensive line, midfield and forward line in offensive and defensive situations.

• Subprinciple of Alignment of the Game in Transition: Work so that players maintain cohesion in moments of transition, whether attacking or defending.

25. Principle of Predictive Analysis and In-Game Adaptation

• Sub-principle of Using Data for Anticipation: Use data-based predictive analysis to anticipate opponent moves.

• Sub-principle of Dynamic Tactical Adaptation: Adjust the team tactically based on predictions made from in-game analysis.

26. Principle of Including All Game Scenarios in Training

• Sub-principle of Simulating Complex Scenarios: Include unusual situations (injuries, bookings, etc.) to prepare the team for any eventuality.

• Sub-principle of Controlled Variability: Introduce variations in exercises to simulate match conditions such as weather or fatigue.

27. Principle of Mental Preparation and Emotional Control

• Sub-principle of Visualizing Key Scenarios: Work on visualizing critical situations to stay calm under pressure.

• Emotional Regulation Techniques Subprinciple: Train players’ ability to manage their emotions during high-pressure moments.

28. Principle of Game Fragmentation for Collective Construction

• Offensive Fragmentation Subprinciple: Divide the offensive game into manageable units to work specifically on play construction.

• Defensive Fragmentation Subprinciple: Break down the defensive game to improve decisions in situations of pressure or inferiority.

29. Principle of Focus on the Transfer of Specific Skills

• Situational Transfer Subprinciple: Ensure that skills learned in isolated exercises can be transferred to real match situations.

• Subprinciple of Application of Techniques in Variable Contexts: Practice technical skills in different contexts to ensure effective adaptation.

30. Principle of Innovation in Training and Tactical Planning

• Sub-principle of Evaluating New Methodologies: Test new training methodologies and evaluate their impact on team performance.

• Sub-principle of Integrating Analysis Technology in Training: Use technology, such as video analysis or advanced statistics, to inform and adjust training sessions.

31. Principle of Reproducing Opponent’s Playing Patterns

• Sub-principle of Detailed Analysis of Opponent: Observe and analyse opponent behaviour to reproduce their patterns in training.

• Sub-principle of Simulating Opponent’s Defensive and Offensive Patterns: Simulate opponent patterns in training to prepare players in a specific way.

32. Principle of Building Individual Tactical Strengths

• Sub-principle of Personalization of Tactical Training: Identify individual strengths and design exercises that enhance them, aligning them with the needs of the team.

• Sub-principle of Application in Real Situations: Practice individual tactical strengths in match contexts to consolidate effectiveness.

33. Principle of Synergistic Integration of Dynamic Change

• Sub-principle of Collective Fluidity in Transition: Ensure that the team is able to change pace and adjust strategy in offensive and defensive transition situations.

• Sub-principle of Flexibility in the Use of Resources: When incorporating ball and multi-player exercises, each member of the staff must prioritize the specificity of football aligned with the game model defined by the head coach, ensuring that resources are used optimally and specifically.

These principles and sub-principles allow for a detailed and specific structure that facilitates the effective implementation of the Pons Method, aligning each aspect of training with the collective objectives of the team and ensuring an integrated approach to high performance in football.

